Construction Day 14-15

Good morning people.
It’s Wednesday, and VIB is moving fast ahead and framing is up!
If you look the right way, you can almost see the kitchen slowly forming in the distance… )
So many little parts left to do, but the pace is steady..

The water will be entirely disconnected this week, so timing works out.
Kirill is going to be our nachal’nik for the week, with proper documentation of the progress and creating presence!… Read the rest

Construction Day 11 – progress?

the question mark is for the fact that I didn’t see much when I came home. Here’s what the kitchen opening looks like as of today:

not hugely different from yesterday:

whoever gets the most differences – wins!

anyway, we have got nothing to hurry for I suppose. One day here / one day there, at this point we will get there when we get there.

in the meantime, I might as well post about choosing colors shades of white for the kitchen.… Read the rest

Construction Day 9 – Phase I done

we are done! phase I is complete. phase I 1/2 this weekend. phase II starts Monday.

The exterior trim is up. I just have to paint it, next time I have a free minute. ahem.

Now, a little bit about the door, which has become the central driving point of this whole project. I really, really wanted the doors to look stately and distinguished. with cremone bolts and all. we briefly considered salvaged doors,but the thin wood and thin glass were a concern not only for insulation reasons, but also safety.… Read the rest

Construction Day 8 – D-Day

It’s in! Workers were here yesterday to finish up. Here it is:

It looks good – just not quite done. Cause it’s not. I have no idea what that board piece is, its actually gone now, i assume it was holding in bricks during instalation?

Anyway, we had a walk through today, and Sergey was not having any of it. The door didn’t seem securely in place, plus some of the bricks were still missing even though the masons have packed up the job site.… Read the rest

Construction Day 7

Just one photo for you today. The guys didn’t take pictures and I wasn’t there. I don’t think it was a very long day for them, as really they just had finishing touches and some clean up to do (extra bricks, mortar, etc). Its a beauty (don’t mind the crooked bar at the top its not attached). The opening is finished, and we have a ledge.

You can definitely tell that the brick around the door opening is not an original but I am hoping the it will fade and blend in.… Read the rest

Construction Day 6

Ah yes, still boarded up (for the weekend, by the way). But making much progress :)

I was working from home (water main break at dupont circle, i presume many, many office are in for the long weekend, which is pretty sweet! of course is tough on public services, but they are doing what they can to make sure we can go back on monday). My way of saying I got lots of pics!… Read the rest

Construction Day 5

Still under construction. still boarded up.a bit sturdier now, since it will be a few more days until the door goes in, because apparently the brick mortar needs time to dry. so it looks like we are behind schedule a few days. oh well.

but we are making progress:

the house ‘eyebrows’ are still there, you see VIB is winking at you/us. But only for another day or so, these are on their way out…

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Construction Day 4

The door has arrived. Or rather Sergey and our builder picked it up and delivered it home, since the warehouse wasn’t ready for delivery for several more days.

But before we can get to the good part, it must get a little uglier. And so we are all boarded up.

It took just about an hour to remove our door and window in the kitchen,

Along won’t our security bars. These things always made me feel safer – we are in the city after all- but the look would not be becoming on a beautiful French door.… Read the rest