Sputnik Chandelier

As I have mentioned before, we are replacing nearly all of the overhead fixtures in the house. My most favorite addition, by far, is a sputnik chandelier in our dining room (the red room). Pictures really don’t do it justice, it looks incredible in person.

I had bookmarked the tutorial on transforming the IKEA Maskros this beautiful chandelier more than a year ago, and have in fact had all of the supplies to make this just sitting and waiting for the right moment.… Read the rest

Fan of our Ceilings

Our ceilings are starting to look really, really good. We are so happy with quality of the work. The surface don’t look seamless or perfect, but perfectly smooth – kind of like it has always been there and was never graced by the ugliness of the swirly. And the ceiling medallions are fitting in seamlessly. I am not sure that the medallions were there originally, in fact, I am pretty sure they weren’t.… Read the rest

Lock, Set, and Ready

Wheeee. Sergey and I locked in our refinance rate. The clock is set and we’re ready to get this show over with. We have about six weeks until it’s all done, and in the meantime we have to get all of our documents together, paint away, and get whatever else done in the house that we can to best show it off. We will probably finish right around the same time three years ago when we signed up for this adventure.… Read the rest

Smooth Ceiling

I got back on Saturday evening from my trip, and we are fully back in the swing of things. We had our refinance consultation yesterday, and our contractors are coming back on Wednesday to tackle our to do list. My most pressing concern is what to do about front door (new? but expensive! old? but drafty! *yes it can be retrofitted, glazed and in general made as good as new, but neither one of us has the time, the skills, or more importantly the desire).… Read the rest

Constructions Days 116-117: Cornice

Dudes – the cornice is up. All around the kitchen ceiling. We are like a hair from being done in the kitchen!!! Do people hug their contractors? Cause I want to (maybe its my thanksgiving mood).

*Ignore the cheetah like moldings – that’s the wood filler covering the nails.

From the pictures its quite obvious that the cornice and the ceiling panels are not entirely flush. it still looks quite good, so if it stays like this I would be ok with it.… Read the rest

Construction Days 112-115: Birthday Edition

So we were really really hoping to be done with the renovation in time for Sergey’s birthday. We had even planned a get together for the occasion. you know convenient – celebrate birthday and the end of renovation projects. Well, we weren’t done – despite our contractors’ promises. But its very close – enough to give our guests a pretty good idea of what it is supposed to be.

All of the cabinet pulls (but two – above the fridge) are in.… Read the rest

Construction Days 108-111

Well the distance between the three recessed lights by the cabinets is fixed.

But the fourth light somehow ended up wildly off the mark. whyyyyyyyyyy?????? why can’t everything just happen right, as if by magic, the first time. see that piece of blue painters tape? that’s supposed to be the location of the fourth light. magic, i want magic!

But overall, we are slowly but surely getting there. As of this morning, this is what our kitchen ceiling looks like:

we have started to move into the kitchen, and its taking us a minute (more like days and days).… Read the rest

Construction Days 68-73: Vacation edition

Sergey and I took a week long vacation – wednesday to wednesday – but the work continued while we were gone. I thought it worked out pretty well actually – anytime there was a question the contractors would text with a quick picture and we would follow up when we had time. We were stillĀ  a bit nervous coming home, but this made us happy:

A couple of notes here: the dishwasher still needs a front panel – it will match the rest of the cabinets.… Read the rest

Construction Day 49-52: Here and There

and Everywhere – a bunch of small things got done in the last four days. This can feel little progress, but I choose to look at it as indication that we are closer to the finish line than we know.

walls went over framing on the outside of half-bath (this just might be the first room that is done, done in this renovation):

Also the lay-out for heated floors is confirmed and is ready for thinset.… Read the rest