Ta-da – Our New Kitchen!




That’s our kitchen! What a world of difference some paint and some fabric make. Covering the walls was actually a lot easier than painting the cabinets. Now, all we have to do is put some hardware on these babies and we are good for a year or two (or three) until dream kitchen re-model.

I want to write a more detailed post tomorrow on how we got here.… Read the rest

ROOF We have been dying to get to the roof this since the day we did our home inspect

can you see the washington monument?

quincy pl ne

our yard


We have been dying to get to the roof this since the day we did our home inspection in February. At that time, we weren’t able to get up there because of the huge snowstorm that dumped (in the words of our home inspector) an equivalent of “two elephants” in snow on top of the house.

Well, we finally did it.… Read the rest

House Project Weekend! Sometime last week we came up with a brilliant idea of dedicat

inside the salvage store

kitchen cabinets anyone?

door knobs

to the roof!

House Project Weekend!

Sometime last week we came up with a brilliant idea of dedicating a whole weekend to house projects so that we can get situated and finally make a dent in our to do list. Well the weekend is almost over – we have done lots. But it turns out that the brilliant idea of getting a bunch of projects done just doesn’t work all that well when you have a million and one tasks.… Read the rest

Treasure Hunt Our house is not comfortable. It doesn’t have hooks, it doesn’t have sh

foyer dresser


second lamp waiting for a shine

letter opener, russian decorative plate

Treasure Hunt

Our house is not comfortable. It doesn’t have hooks, it doesn’t have shelves, and it doesn’t have that much closet space. (In fact there is not a single closet downstairs – but that’s a whole different post). There’s clutter and stuff everywhere, because we have nowhere to put it.

So this past weekend, I had to have something to go into foyer to catch mail and keys and provide at least some storage.… Read the rest

Well if we hadn’t noticed those fine water damage bubbles in the ceiling – who knows, maybe one d

wax ring is on!

water damage-ish

Well if we hadn’t noticed those fine water damage bubbles in the ceiling – who knows, maybe one day we would have gone to the bathroom and the toilet would just fall through?! Cause guess what? there was no wax ring.

The good news, its all taken care of now. The bad news – guessing what else hides behind the “renovations” in this house.… Read the rest

When you are a homeowner

you find out about such things as “wax ring” – apparently that is something that needs to be put under the toilet upstairs to stop the water accumulation in our kitchen ceiling. bet you didn’t really want to know that, but neither did I…

on to more appealing thoughts — the plumber came, he is the first contractor/handyman that we have ever hired. Both Sergey and I really like him, he showed up on time, did some things and said that he would be back next week!… Read the rest

Garden Weekend! With temperatures in the 80s during three-day Easter weekend, Victor

dumped mattres

glass and weeds

lost and found

garden bed!

tree eaten by ivy

cayenne peper = herb protector

house plants

Garden Weekend!

With temperatures in the 80s during three-day Easter weekend, Victorian in Bloom (we need a shorter nickname, ideas?) got pretty on the outside. I added a flower bed out on the front – unfortunately for my future vegetables this is where we get the most of sunshine.… Read the rest