Hello there everyone. We have a very big announcement. We are off! to see the WORLD! Remember this little hint? well we couldn’t think of a better way to reward ourselves for all the hard work than with a new, grand adventure. Exciting, right?!

After going back and forth on whether we should keep the ol’ VIB site as our primary record of adventure, we ultimately decided that we would jump ship to a new home, called House to Laos. From VIB to the World. ) *We should say that our very excellent friend Peter actually came up with the name for our new blog. Thanks Peter!

Sergey is diligently working on creating an awesome interface for our new blog (with all sorts of cool widgets!) but the first post is already up, so you should check it out. There is much more info there on our plans and deets.

And not to worry, VIB site will remain live and alive. I will still drop by with notes on all things house/home/and decor as inspired by our travels.

Onwards and upwards!

Photo Credit: Mia Mabanta. Thank you, you awesome friend, you!