Roses are red

and pink and yellow

Yay, so excited we planted roses!

To celebrate getting rid of the giant eyesore tree and (hopefully) the banishment of vines, we planted climbing roses by the back fence.



It took a bit of time, as ground was pretty hard and filled with glass (we must have taken out two trash buckets full of glass from there). We also got to use the compost that i was diligently harvesting all summer.


These are the varieties we planted from left to right:

Cecile brunner

Climbing don huan

Climbing blaze

Cecile brunner

Climbing Joseph’s coat

Climbing Joseph’s coat

Climbing blaze

william baffin

Now I just hope that the roses weather the winter (some of the leaves are already turning yellow no idea if that’s supposed to happen). So, I am off to read about prunning and other care tips. If you have any, please share!