So funny story — when we got this dryer, I had assumed that we had a gas hook up and sergey had assumed that I knew what I was doing/talking about. WRONG. the dryer hook up — since we don’t have a specific, dryer dedicated gas line would be close to $500.
a good lesson to learn early on: everyone hears a different story, no matter how straight forward the subject.
this one actually goes back all the way to our house inspection.
What Jenia heard from the home inspector: your electrical circuit panel is on the smallish side, probably not good to put additional strain on it. it looks like you have a gas dryer outlet.
What Sergey heard from the home inspector: your electrical circuit panel is on the smallish side, but it should work just fine. you guys have gas so you can get a gas dryer.
Where miscommunication happened: we didn’t talk about what either one of us heard or what would happen with the dryer once we got home.
wah wah wahuuum.
So as fall sets in, not only do we not have a dryer, but we also have a giant hole in the wall where the frame and door used to close off the basement (my guess would be that this is an extremely poor energy efficiency -and expensive – practice come cold weather).
Obviously, we need to get the old dryer upstairs and another one downstairs before the new frame and door can go in.
oh and dryers are heavy and our stairs are narrow…