Stripping Away – Part II

Ah, if only stripping away part I was the one and only part. But no, in addition to the bathtub, there are also countless (or 21) tin ceiling panels and salvaged real wood doors – the ones we currently have are hollow core uglies.

This pretty much sums up how I feel about this stripping project:

But at least we are nearing the end of suffering. Here’s what we have got so far:

Just a few more to go. The best method is still just picking off paint with the scraper. Sergey has tried using a different stripper than I have in the past, but end result was very similar – more of the same gooey mess. So word to the wise – stick to just the scraper.


Speaking of the new Stripper – here’s our latest addition to the arsenal:


It works pretty darn well on wood doors; pour it on, let it sit for 20+ min and paint comes off like melted butter. It doesn’t completely solve the crevice problem, but at this point I am not sure I care that much. The door’s got that 100+ year plus character, you know.

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First layer of primer is on!
